Variational autoencoders for scRNA-seq data

Table of Contents


Variational autoencoders fit a generative model parameterized by a neural network (Kingma and Welling 2014, Rezende and Mohammed 2014). Our model of interest is \( \newcommand\const{\mathrm{const}} \newcommand\E[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle} \newcommand\vx{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand\vw{\mathbf{w}} \newcommand\vz{\mathbf{z}} \newcommand\mx{\mathbf{X}} \newcommand\mU{\mathbf{U}} \newcommand\mw{\mathbf{W}} \newcommand\mz{\mathbf{Z}} \newcommand\ml{\mathbf{L}} \newcommand\mf{\mathbf{F}} \)

\begin{align*} x_{ij} \mid \lambda_{ij} &\sim \operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda_{ij})\\ \lambda_{ij} \mid \vz_i, u_{ij} &= \mu(\vz_i)_j\, u_{ij}\\ u_{ij} &\sim p(u_{ij})\\ \vz_i &\sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{0}, \mathbf{I}_K) \end{align*}

where \(\mu(\cdot)\) is a \(p\)-dimensional output of a fully connected feed-forward neural network. To approximate the intractable posterior \(p(\vz_i \mid \vx_i)\), we use a variational approximation

\[ q(\vz_i \mid \vx_i) = \mathcal{N}(m(\vz_i), \operatorname{diag}(S(\vz_i))) \]

where \(m(\cdot), S(\cdot)\) are \(K\)-dimensional outputs of a FF network.

Remark Unlike previously published methods (e.g. Lopez et al 2018, Eraslan et al. 2018), parameters of \(p(u_{ij})\) are not outputs of the decoder network, because they describe random effects (assumed to be unstructured).

Fitting VAEs with incomplete data has only recently been studied (Nazabal et al. 2018, Mattei and Frellsen 2018). The key idea is that if the coordinates of \(\vx_i\) are separable (meaning the likelihood factorizes) and coordinates are missing at random, then maximizing the log likelihood (or a lower bound to the log likelihood) of only the observed coordinates is a statistically sound procedure. In this case, the lower bound is

\[ \ell \triangleq \sum_{i, j} \E{w_{ij} \ln\left(\int_0^\infty \operatorname{Poisson}(x_{ij}; \mu(\vz_i)_j\, u_{ij})\; dp(u_{ij})\right)} - \sum_{i} \E{\ln\left(\frac{q(\vz_i \mid f(\vx_i))}{p(\vz_i)}\right)}\]

where \(f\) is some imputation function (e.g., fill in missing values with zero) and expectations are taken with respect to \(q\). For easy choices of \(p(u_{ij})\), the integrals inside the expectation are analytic. Mattei and Frellsen 2018 suggest filling missing data with 0 in the encoder network works, and that a tighter bound can be achieved using importance sampling (Burda et al. 2016)

\[ \ell_{\text{IWAE}} \triangleq \sum_i \E{\ln\left(\frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S \frac{p(\vx_i, \vz_i^{(s)})}{q(\vz_i^{(s)} \mid \vx_i)}\right)} \]


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scmodes
import scipy.stats as st
import torch
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = set(['retina'])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'
plt.rcParams[''] = 'Nimbus Sans'


Poisson thinning example

Simulate two independent data sets from the (same) model.

n = 500
p = 100
k = 3
l = np.random.lognormal(sigma=.5, size=(n, k))
f = np.random.lognormal(sigma=.5, size=(p, k))
mu = l @ f.T
u = np.random.gamma(shape=.1, scale=10, size=(n, p))
lam = mu * u
x = np.random.poisson(lam=lam)
xt = torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float)
x_val = np.random.poisson(lam=lam)
xvt = torch.tensor(x_val, dtype=torch.float)

Fit the models. First, fix the latent dimension to the oracle value.

m0 = (scmodes.lra.vae.PVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=3)
      .fit(xt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, trace=True))
m1 = (scmodes.lra.vae.NBVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=3, disp_by_gene=False)
      .fit(xt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, trace=True))
m2 = (scmodes.lra.vae.ZINBVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=3, disp_by_gene=False, logodds_by_gene=False)
      .fit(xt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, trace=True))

Plot the ELBO over the training iterations.

cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2')
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6, 3)
for i, m in enumerate([m0, m1, m2]):
  plt.plot(m.trace, lw=1, c=cm(i), label=type(m).__name__)
plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5))
plt.ylabel('Negative ELBO')


Now, compare against matched models with latent dimension 10.

m0p = (scmodes.lra.vae.PVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=10)
      .fit(xt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, trace=True))
m1p = (scmodes.lra.vae.NBVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=10, disp_by_gene=False)
      .fit(xt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, trace=True))
m2p = (scmodes.lra.vae.ZINBVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=10, disp_by_gene=False, logodds_by_gene=False)
      .fit(xt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, trace=True))
cm = plt.get_cmap('Paired')
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6, 3)
for i, m in enumerate([m0, m0p, m1, m1p, m2, m2p]):
  plt.plot(m.trace, lw=1, c=cm(i), label=f'{type(m).__name__}–{m.encoder.mean.out_features}')
plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5))
plt.ylabel('Negative ELBO')


Zoom in on NBVAE, ZINBVAE.

cm = plt.get_cmap('Paired')
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(4, 3)
for i, m in enumerate([m0, m0p, m1, m1p, m2, m2p]):
  if i > 1:
    plt.plot(m.trace, lw=1, c=cm(i), label=f'{type(m).__name__}–{m.encoder.mean.out_features}')
plt.xlim(0, 300)
plt.ylabel('Negative ELBO')


Evaluate the estimated \([\lambda_{ij}]\) on the validation data.

           st.poisson(mu=m.denoise(xvt)).logpmf(x_val).mean() for m in (m0, m0p, m1, m1p, m2, m2p)})
PVAE-3       -5.047203
PVAE-10      -4.236100
NBVAE-3      -5.540319
NBVAE-10     -5.610215
ZINBVAE-3    -9.574759
ZINBVAE-10   -9.707689
dtype: float64

Compare against NMF.

# Best will be > oracle rank due to fitting u
l, f, _ = scmodes.lra.nmf(x, rank=27)

This comparison may not be fair, because NMF/PVAE are estimating \(\lambda_{ij}\) by maximizing the likelihood (or a variational lower bound to the evidence), where NBVAE/ZINBVAE are estimating the posterior mean \(\lambda_{ij}\), which may be shrunk compared to the MLE.

Imputation example

Simulate some data from the model. Mask 10% of the entries.

n = 500
p = 100
k = 3
l = np.random.lognormal(sigma=.5, size=(n, k))
f = np.random.lognormal(sigma=.5, size=(p, k))
mu = l @ f.T
u = np.random.gamma(shape=1 / mu.var(), scale=mu.var(), size=(n, p))
lam = mu * u
x = np.random.poisson(lam=lam)
xt = torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float)
w = np.random.uniform(size=x.shape) < 0.9
wt = torch.tensor(w.astype(np.float32), dtype=torch.float)

As baselines, fit NMF and NBMF.

nmf_res = dict()
nbmf_res = dict()
for rank in range(1, 31):
  l, f, _ = scmodes.lra.nmf(x, w=w, rank=rank)
  nmf_res[rank] = np.where(w, st.poisson(mu=l @ f.T).logpmf(x), 0).sum()
  l, f, _ = scmodes.lra.nbmf(x, w=w, rank=rank, inv_disp=0.1, fix_inv_disp=False)
  nbmf_res[rank] = np.where(w, st.poisson(mu=l @ f.T).logpmf(x), 0).sum()
nmf_res = pd.Series(nmf_res)
nbmf_res = pd.Series(nbmf_res)

Plot the results.

cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2')
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3, 3)
plt.plot(-pd.Series(nmf_res), lw=1, color=cm(0), label='WNMF')
plt.plot(-pd.Series(nbmf_res), lw=1, color=cm(1), label='WNBMF')
plt.axvline(x=3, ls=':', lw=1, c='k')
plt.ylabel('Imputation loss')


Fit the VAE models.

m0 = (scmodes.lra.vae.PVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=3)
      .fit(xt, w=wt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, verbose=True))
m1 = (scmodes.lra.vae.NBVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=3, disp_by_gene=False)
      .fit(xt, w=wt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, verbose=True))
m2 = (scmodes.lra.vae.ZINBVAE(input_dim=p, latent_dim=3, disp_by_gene=False, logodds_by_gene=False)
      .fit(xt, w=wt, lr=1e-2, n_samples=10, max_epochs=3000, verbose=True))

Evaluate the imputation loss, imputing values as \(\mu(\E{\vz_i})_j\), where the expectation is taken with respect to \(q\).

pd.Series({type(m).__name__: np.where(w, st.poisson(mu=m.predict(wt * xt)).logpmf(x), 0).sum() for m in (m0, m1, m2)})
PVAE      -167575.265731
NBVAE     -231874.631810
ZINBVAE   -321747.785248
dtype: float64

Evaluate the imputation loss, imputing values as \(\E{\mu(\vz_i)_j}\), where the expectation is estimated by drawing samples from \(q\).

pd.Series({type(m).__name__: np.where(w, st.poisson(mu=m.predict(wt * xt, n_samples=100)).logpmf(x), 0).sum() for m in (m0, m1, m2)})
PVAE      -167489.990176
NBVAE     -233566.128557
ZINBVAE   -322616.699734
dtype: float64

Author: Abhishek Sarkar

Created: 2019-12-09 Mon 13:41
