Uniform vs half-uniform mixture prior
Table of Contents
We found cases where a unimodal expression model (half-uniform mixture) had a
worse log likelihood than a Gamma expression model. This happened due to a
bug in a previous version of ashr
. Verify that it was fixed in version
import anndata import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scanpy as sc import scmodes import scipy.stats as st
import rpy2.robjects.packages import rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri.activate() ashr = rpy2.robjects.packages.importr('ashr')
%matplotlib inline %config InlineBackend.figure_formats = set(['retina'])
import colorcet import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w' plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Nimbus Sans'
iPSC example
dat = data['ipsc']() x = dat[:,dat.var['index'] == 'ENSG00000013364'].X.A.ravel() s = dat.obs['size'].values.ravel()
Fit candidate expression models, and report the log likelihood.
fit = { 'Gamma': scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_gamma(x, s), 'Unimodal (halfuniform)': scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform'), 'Unimodal (uniform)': scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='uniform'), }
pd.Series({ k: fit[k][-1] if isinstance(fit[k], tuple) else fit[k].rx2('loglik')[0] for k in fit })
Gamma -4916.603271 Unimodal (halfuniform) -4911.743860 Unimodal (uniform) -4911.814471 dtype: float64
Look at the estimated unimodal models.
g0 = np.array(fit['Unimodal (uniform)'].rx2('fitted_g')) g0[:,g0[0] > 1e-8]
array([[9.26309463e-01, 2.96562998e-02, 4.40342371e-02], [9.24285849e-06, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [9.24285849e-06, 2.99375891e-05, 3.85096272e-05]])
g1 = np.array(fit['Unimodal (halfuniform)'].rx2('fitted_g')) g1[:,0]
array([0.00000000e+00, 9.08008205e-06, 9.08008205e-06])
g1[:,g1[0] > 1e-8]
array([[4.53314869e-01, 4.74849764e-01, 5.27755773e-02, 1.90597899e-02], [8.16422384e-06, 9.08008205e-06, 9.08008205e-06, 9.08008205e-06], [9.08008205e-06, 9.72769161e-06, 2.98035879e-05, 3.83875450e-05]])
Look at the log likelihood as a function of the mode.
grid = np.linspace(0, 2e-5, 100) llik0 = np.array([scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='uniform', mode=m).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in grid]) llik1 = np.array([scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=m).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in grid])
cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2') plt.clf() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(4, 2.5) for i, (y, l) in enumerate(zip([llik0, llik1], ['Uniform', 'Half-uniform'])): plt.plot(grid, y, c=cm(i), label=l, lw=1) plt.axvline(grid[np.argmax(y)], c=cm(i), lw=1, ls=':', label=None) plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5)) plt.xlabel('Mode') plt.ylabel('Log likelihood') plt.tight_layout()
Look at the fits for two close choices of mode with very different log likelihoods.
fit0 = scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=grid[88]) fit1 = scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=grid[89]) pd.Series({ f'{grid[88]:.3g}': fit0.rx2('loglik')[0], f'{grid[89]:.3g}': fit1.rx2('loglik')[0] })
1.78e-05 -4930.230021 1.8e-05 -4936.446796 dtype: float64
pmf = dict() y = np.arange(x.max() + 1) g = np.array(fit0.rx2('fitted_g')) g = g[:,g[0] > 1e-8] a = np.fmin(g[1], g[2]) b = np.fmax(g[1], g[2]) comp_dens_conv = np.array([((st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(b.reshape(1, -1)) - st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(a.reshape(1, -1))) / np.outer(s, b - a)).mean(axis=0) for k in y]) comp_dens_conv[:,0] = st.poisson(mu=s.reshape(-1, 1) * b[0]).pmf(y).mean(axis=0) pmf[grid[88]] = comp_dens_conv @ g[0] g = np.array(fit1.rx2('fitted_g')) g = g[:,g[0] > 1e-8] a = np.fmin(g[1], g[2]) b = np.fmax(g[1], g[2]) comp_dens_conv = np.array([((st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(b.reshape(1, -1)) - st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(a.reshape(1, -1))) / np.outer(s, b - a)).mean(axis=0) for k in y]) comp_dens_conv[:,0] = st.poisson(mu=s.reshape(-1, 1) * b[0]).pmf(y).mean(axis=0) pmf[grid[89]] = comp_dens_conv @ g[0]
cdf = dict() temp = np.linspace(0, 2e-5, 1000) cdf[grid[88]] = np.array(ashr.cdf_ash(fit0, temp).rx2('y')).ravel() cdf[grid[89]] = np.array(ashr.cdf_ash(fit1, temp).rx2('y')).ravel()
cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2') plt.clf() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) fig.set_size_inches(4.5, 4) temp = np.arange(x.max() + 1) ax[0].hist(x, bins=temp, color='0.7', density=True) for i, m in enumerate([88, 89]): ax[0].plot(temp + .5, pmf[grid[m]], lw=1, c=cm(i), label=f'Mode={grid[m]:.3g}') gamma_res = scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_gamma(x, s) ax[0].plot(temp + .5, np.array([scmodes.benchmark.gof._zig_pmf(k, size=s, log_mu=gamma_res[0], log_phi=-gamma_res[1]).mean() for k in temp]), lw=1, c=cm(2), label='Gamma') ax[0].legend(frameon=False) ax[0].set_xlabel('Number of molecules') ax[0].set_ylabel('Density') temp = np.linspace(0, 2e-5, 1000) for i, m in enumerate([88, 89]): ax[1].plot(temp, cdf[grid[m]], lw=1, c=cm(i), label=f'Mode={grid[m]:.3g}') ax[1].plot(temp, st.gamma(a=np.exp(gamma_res[1]), scale=np.exp(gamma_res[0] - gamma_res[1])).cdf(temp), lw=1, c=cm(2), label='Gamma') ax[1].legend(frameon=False) ax[1].set_ylim(0, 1) ax[1].set_xlabel('Latent gene expression') ax[1].set_ylabel('CDF') fig.tight_layout()
Chromium control data example
dat = data['chromium1']() x = dat[:,dat.var['index'] == 'ERCC-00024'].X.A.ravel() s = dat.X.sum(axis=1).A.ravel()
fit = { 'Gamma': scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_gamma(x, s), 'Unimodal (halfuniform)': scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform'), 'Unimodal (uniform)': scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='uniform'), }
pd.Series({ k: fit[k][-1] if isinstance(fit[k], tuple) else fit[k].rx2('loglik')[0] for k in fit })
Gamma -45.478005 Unimodal (halfuniform) -121.644443 Unimodal (uniform) -45.460142 dtype: float64
pmf = dict() y = np.arange(x.max() + 2) pmf['Gamma'] = np.array([scmodes.benchmark.gof._zig_pmf(k, size=s, log_mu=fit['Gamma'][0], log_phi=-fit['Gamma'][1]).mean() for k in y]) g = np.array(fit['Unimodal (halfuniform)'].rx2('fitted_g')) g = g[:,g[0] > 1e-8] a = np.fmin(g[1], g[2]) b = np.fmax(g[1], g[2]) comp_dens_conv = np.array([((st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(b.reshape(1, -1)) - st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(a.reshape(1, -1))) / np.outer(s, b - a)).mean(axis=0) for k in y]) comp_dens_conv[:,0] = st.poisson(mu=s.reshape(-1, 1) * b[0]).pmf(y).mean(axis=0) pmf['Unimodal (halfuniform)'] = comp_dens_conv @ g[0] g = np.array(fit['Unimodal (uniform)'].rx2('fitted_g')) g = g[:,g[0] > 1e-8] a = np.fmin(g[1], g[2]) b = np.fmax(g[1], g[2]) comp_dens_conv = np.array([((st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(b.reshape(1, -1)) - st.gamma(a=k + 1, scale=1 / s.reshape(-1, 1)).cdf(a.reshape(1, -1))) / np.outer(s, b - a)).mean(axis=0) for k in y]) comp_dens_conv[:,0] = st.poisson(mu=s.reshape(-1, 1) * b[0]).pmf(y).mean(axis=0) pmf['Unimodal (uniform)'] = comp_dens_conv @ g[0]
cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2') plt.clf() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(4, 2) plt.hist(x, bins=y, color='0.7', density=True) for i, (k, ls) in enumerate(zip(pmf, ['-', '-', (0, (3, 3))])): plt.plot(y + .5, pmf[k], lw=1, ls=ls, c=cm(i), label=k) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel('Number of molecules') plt.ylabel('Density') plt.tight_layout()
Look at the fitted unimodal models.
g = np.array(fit['Unimodal (halfuniform)'].rx2('fitted_g')) g[:,g[0] > 1e-8]
array([[1.00000000e+00], [0.00000000e+00], [7.55888146e-05]])
g = np.array(fit['Unimodal (uniform)'].rx2('fitted_g')) g[:,g[0] > 1e-8]
array([[1.0000000e+00], [2.5777149e-06], [2.5777149e-06]])
Look at the mode search.
grid = np.linspace(0, 1e-5, 100) llik0 = np.array([scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='uniform', mode=m).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in grid]) llik1 = np.array([scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=m).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in grid])
cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2') plt.clf() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(4, 2.5) for i, (y, l) in enumerate(zip([llik0, llik1], ['Uniform', 'Half-uniform'])): plt.plot(grid, y, c=cm(i), label=l, lw=1) plt.axvline(grid[np.argmax(y)], c=cm(i), lw=1, ls=':', label=None) plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5)) plt.xlabel('Mode') plt.ylabel('Log likelihood') plt.title('ERCC-00024') plt.tight_layout()
Look at the mode search over a larger range (coarser grid) of candidate modes.
grid = np.linspace(0, 1e-4, 100) llik0 = np.array([scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='uniform', mode=m).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in grid]) llik1 = np.array([scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=m).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in grid])
cm = plt.get_cmap('Dark2') plt.clf() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(4, 2.5) for i, (y, l) in enumerate(zip([llik0, llik1], ['Uniform', 'Half-uniform'])): plt.plot(grid, y, c=cm(i), label=l, lw=1) plt.axvline(grid[np.argmax(y)], c=cm(i), lw=1, ls=':', label=None) plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5)) plt.xlabel('Mode') plt.ylabel('Log likelihood') plt.title('ERCC-00024') plt.tight_layout()
Find points where the log likelihood does not decrease monotonically with moving the candidate mode further from the optimum.
np.where(np.diff(llik1) > 0)
(array([ 0, 2, 3, 4, 36, 38, 40, 47, 48, 54, 59, 64, 74]),)
pd.Series({ grid[k]: llik1[k] for k in (47, 48) })
0.000047 -142.753761 0.000048 -124.794312 dtype: float64
Look at the effect of changing the granularity of the grid (tuning
) on the solution.
dat <- readRDS('/scratch/midway2/aksarkar/modes/chromium1-ERCC-00024.Rds') x <- dat$x s <- dat$s print(ashr::ash_pois(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', control=list(tol.svd=0), outputlevel='loglik')$loglik, digits=12) opt <- stats::optimize( function (mode) { stats::optimize( function(gridmult) { -ashr::ash_pois(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=mode, gridmult=gridmult, outputlevel='loglik', control=list(tol.svd=0))$loglik }, interval=c(1, 2), tol=1e-2)$objective }, interval=c(0, max(x / s)), tol=max(x / s) * .Machine$double.eps^0.25) print(opt, digits=12)
source activate scmodes srun --partition=mstephens R --quiet --no-save <<'EOF' <<nested-opt>> EOF
> dat <- readRDS('/scratch/midway2/aksarkar/modes/chromium1-ERCC-00024.Rds') > x <- dat$x > s <- dat$s > print(ashr::ash_pois(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', control=list(tol.svd=0), outputlevel='loglik')$loglik, digits=12) [1] -121.636120776 > > opt <- stats::optimize( + function (mode) { + stats::optimize( + function(gridmult) { + -ashr::ash_pois(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=mode, gridmult=gridmult, outputlevel='loglik', control=list(tol.svd=0))$loglik + }, + interval=c(1, 2), + tol=1e-2)$objective + }, + interval=c(0, max(x / s)), + tol=max(x / s) * .Machine$double.eps^0.25) > print(opt, digits=12) $minimum [1] 5.13581372547e-06 $objective [1] 45.4661257195 >
Check whether the log likelihood varies smoothly with gridmult
modes = np.logspace(-8, -3, 50) gridmults = np.linspace(1.1, 2, 10) llik = np.array([[scmodes.ebpm.ebpm_unimodal(x, s, mixcompdist='halfuniform', mode=m, gridmult=gm).rx2('loglik')[0] for m in modes] for gm in gridmults])
cm = colorcet.cm['bmy'] plt.clf() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3.5, 2.5) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('symlog') for gm, l in zip(gridmults, llik): plt.plot(modes, l, c=cm((gm - 1.1) / (2 - 1.1)), lw=1) cb = plt.colorbar(matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=1.1, vmax=2), cmap=cm)) cb.set_label('gridmult') plt.xlabel('Mode') plt.ylabel('Log likelihood') plt.title('ERCC-00024') plt.tight_layout()