Posterior approximation for scRNA-seq data
Table of Contents
We are studying the model:
\[ x_i \mid s_i, \lambda_i \sim \mathrm{Poisson}(s_i \lambda_i) \]
\[ \lambda_i \sim g(\cdot) \]
If we consider \(g\) a prior, then estimating \(g\) via maximum likelihood is Empirical Bayes, and we can recover the posterior distribution \(p(\lambda_i \mid x_1, \ldots, x_n)\). What can we do with this distribution?
One inference task is to generate Gaussian pseudodata (represented by a mean and variance) per count observation. One natural way to do this is Taylor expansion. For one observation, suppose \(l(\theta) = \ln p(x \mid \theta)\). Then, taking second-order Taylor expansion about \(\theta_0\):
\[ l(\theta) \approx l(\theta_0) + (\theta - \theta_0)\,l'(\theta_0) + \frac{(\theta - \theta)^2}{2}\,l''(\theta_0) \]
\[= \mathcal{N}\left(\theta_0 - \frac{l'(\theta_0)}{l''(\theta_0)}; \theta, -\frac{1}{l''(\theta_0)}\right) + \mathrm{const} \]
In our model above, define \(\theta_i = \ln\lambda_i\). Now, the problem becomes: how do we choose \(\theta_0\)? The obvious choice is \(\ln(x_i / s_i)\). However, this choice breaks down for \(x_i = 0\).
Here, we investigate whether we can use the posterior distribution of \(\lambda_i\) to find a better point to expand about. The intuition is that \(x_i = 0\) does not imply that \(\lambda_i = 0\), and we should use the rest of the data to regularize (shrink) the \(\lambda_i\) towards each other.
The posterior of interest is
\[ p(\lambda_i \mid x_1, \ldots, x_n) \propto \hat{g}(\lambda_i) p(x_i \mid \lambda_i) \triangleq P_i \]
For each observation \(x_i\), we want to find a new "likelihood" \(q(x_i \mid \mu_i, \sigma^2_i)\), such that the resulting approximate posterior
\[ \hat{g}(\lambda_i) q(x_i \mid \mu_i, \sigma^2_i) \triangleq Q_i \]
is as close to the true posterior as possible. This entails finding \(q^*\):
\[ q^* = \arg\min_q \mathcal{KL}\left(P_i \Vert Q_i\right) \]
\[ = \arg\max_q \mathbb{E}_{P_i} \left[ \ln Q_i \right] \]
\[ = \arg\max_q \mathbb{E}_{P_i} \left[\ln q(x_i \mid \mu_i, \sigma^2_i) \right] \]
Connection to EP
We have:
\[ \Pr(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\lambda}) = \prod_i \hat{g}(\lambda_i) p(x_i \mid \lambda_i) \]
where \(p\) is Poisson. We want to approximate this as:
\[ \prod_i \hat{g}(\lambda_i) q_i(x_i \mid \mu_i, \sigma^2_i) \]
where \(q_i\) is Gaussian. This is an instance of expectation propagation (Minka 2001), which is phrased in terms of joint probability distributions instead of posteriors.
The difference between general EP and the idea above is that we are fixing the factors \(\hat{g}(\lambda_i)\).
Analytic solution
Suppose we have estimated \(\mu, \phi\) by Empirical Bayes such that:
\[ \lambda_i \mid \mu, \phi \sim \mathrm{Gamma}\left(\frac{1}{\phi}, \frac{1}{\mu\phi}\right) \]
where we assume the shape/rate parameterization. Then, \(E[\lambda] = \mu\) and \(V[\lambda] = \mu^2\phi\). In this case, the posterior can be computed exactly:
\[ p_{\text{post}} = p(\lambda_i \mid x_1, \ldots, x_n, s_1, \ldots, s_n, \mu, \phi) \]
\[ = p(\lambda_i \mid x_i, s_i, \mu, \phi) \]
by conditional independences
\[ \propto p(x_i, \lambda_i \mid s_i, \mu, \phi) \]
\[ \propto (s_i\lambda_i)^{x_i} \exp(-s_i \lambda_i) \lambda_i^{\phi^{-1} - 1} \exp(-\lambda_i(\mu\phi)^{-1}) \]
\[ \propto \lambda_i^{x_i + \phi^{-1} - 1} \exp(-\lambda_i (s_i - (\mu\phi)^{-1})) \]
where the constants do not depend on \(\lambda_i\)
\[ = \mathrm{Gamma}\left(x_i - \phi^{-1}, s_i - (\mu\phi)^{-1}\right) \]
Now, the solution to
\[ \min_q \mathcal{KL}(p_{\text{post}} \Vert q) \]
where \(q\) is Gaussian is:
\[ \mathcal{N}\left(\frac{x_i - \phi^{-1}}{s_i - (\mu\phi)^{-1}}, \frac{x_i - \phi^{-1}}{\left(s_i - (\mu\phi)^{-1}\right)^2}\right) \]