Empirical Bayes Poisson Matrix Factorization

Table of Contents


Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization (Wang et al. 2018) is a factor analysis method which uses empirical Bayes to learn a (possibly) sparse prior on each factor/loading from the data (and in addition, the number of factors).

\begin{align*} x_{ij} \mid \mathbf{L}, \mathbf{F}, \mathbf{S} &\sim \mathcal{N}\left(\sum_k l_{ik} f_{jk}, s^2_{ij}\right)\\ l_{ik} &\sim g_k^l(\cdot)\\ f_{jk} &\sim g_k^f(\cdot) \end{align*}

The inference algorithm relies critically on the fact that the problem can be decomposed into a sum of rank one problems, each of which takes the form of Empirical Bayes Normal Means

\begin{align*} x_i \mid \theta_i, s_i^2 &\sim \mathcal{N}(\theta_i, s_i^2)\\ \theta_i &\sim g(\cdot), \end{align*}

yielding coordinate ascent updates of a variational objective. We are now interested in solving Empirical Bayes Poisson Matrix Factorization (extending Cemgil 2009, Gopalan et al. 2013, Gopalan et al. 2014, Mendes-Levitin et al. 2019)

\begin{align*} x_{ij} &= \sum_k z_{ijk}\\ z_{ijk} \mid l_{ik}, f_{jk} &\sim \operatorname{Poisson}(l_{ik} f_{jk})\\ l_{ik} &\sim g_k^l(\cdot)\\ f_{jk} &\sim g_k^f(\cdot) \end{align*}

By introducing latent variables \(z_{ijk}\), we can again decompose the problem into a collection of rank one problems, which take the form

\begin{align*} x_i \mid \lambda_i, s_i &\sim \operatorname{Poisson}(s_i \lambda_i)\\ \lambda_i &\sim g(\cdot), \end{align*}

which we define as Empirical Bayes Poisson Means. Again, this approach yields coordinate ascent VI updates. Introduce variational surrogates \(q_l^k\), \(q_f^k\), \(q_z\). Then \(\newcommand\E[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}\)

\begin{align*} q^*_z(z_{ij1}, \ldots, z_{ijK}) &= \operatorname{Multinomial}(x_{ij}, \zeta_{ij1}, \ldots, \zeta_{ijK})\\ \zeta_{ijk} &= \frac{\exp(\E{\ln l_{ik}} + \E{\ln f_{jk}})}{\sum_t \exp(\E{\ln l_{it}} + \E{\ln f_{jt}})}\\ \end{align*}

where expectations are taken with respect to \(q\). If \(\mathcal{G}\) is the family of Gamma distributions (parameterized by shape \(a\) and rate \(b\)), then

\begin{align*} q^*_l(l_{ik}) = \operatorname{Gamma}\left(\sum_j \E{z_{ijk}} + a_k^l, \sum_j \E{f_{jk}} + b_k^l\right)\\ q^*_f(f_{jk}) = \operatorname{Gamma}\left(\sum_i \E{z_{ijk}} + a_k^f, \sum_i \E{l_{ik}} + b_k^f\right)\\ \end{align*}

We can incorporate a variational EM step, (numerically) maximizing the ELBO wrt \(a, b\). This is equivalent (up to a constant which does not depend on \(a, b\)) to

\begin{align*} q_k^l, g_k^l &:= \operatorname{EBPM}\left(\sum_j \E{z_{ijk}}, \ldots, \sum_j \E{z_{njk}}; \E{f_{jk}}\right)\\ q_k^f, g_k^f &:= \operatorname{EBPM}\left(\sum_i \E{z_{i1k}}, \ldots, \sum_i \E{z_{ipk}}; \E{l_{ik}}\right) \end{align*}

in which the size factors are identical for each “observation”. More generally, we can view empirical Bayes as VBEM, by noting that the optimal \(q\) is the posterior \(p(\cdot \mid \mathbf{X}, g, \cdot)\), and that the EBPM objective is equivalent to the ELBO (up to a constant which does not depend on \(g\)).

This approach has a practical issue: it cannot shrink factors/loadings exactly to zero. Surprisingly, this is true even when \(g\) is assumed to include a point mass on zero. The reason is that the posterior mean of \(\lambda\) in EBPM cannot equal zero. Here, we investigate whether a different approach can shrink loadings/factors to exactly zero under a point-Gamma assumption on \(\mathcal{G}\).


import numpy as np
import torch
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = set(['retina'])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Nimbus Sans'


Variational inference

Assuming \(\mathcal{G}\) is the family of point-Gamma distributions, the ELBO is not analytic. (It can be computed using the marginal likelihood of the EBPM subproblems.) Further, there is not an easy re-parameterization of \(q_l, q_f\) because they are now discrete mixtures, so we cannot use the re-parameterization gradient (Kingma and Welling 2014, Titsias and Lázaro-Gredilla 2014, Rezende and Mohammed 2014). We can still use the score gradient (also known as the log derivative trick or REINFORCE gradient)

\[ \grad E_Q[ln P(\cdot)] = E_Q[ln P(\cdot) \grad \ln Q(\cdot)] \]

Author: Abhishek Sarkar

Created: 2020-05-14 Thu 23:52
